3 - 5 Curriculum
Committed to providing an excellent Catholic Education since 1961.
At St. Teresa School we believe that each person is a child of God, blessed with unique gifts and talents, and so we endeavor to:
Promote the holistic development of each individual
Provide a program of learning which challenges and empowers students
Integrate spiritual beliefs and values with learning and living
Form a partnership between home and school to enrich each child’s life
Promote respect for the dignity and uniqueness of each individual.
Curriculum Guide Introduction
The purpose of this Curriculum Guide is to summarize the major objectives of the instructional program at this grade level at St. Teresa Catholic School. The curriculum has been designed to follow the recommendations of the Diocese of Orlando, and meets or exceeds the expectations set forth in the Florida Standards.
3rd Grade Curriculum Guide
Children learn about the Church, gain deeper insight into the Mass, and study the sacraments and their importance as God’s gifts. They become aware of belonging to a community that worships together, shows reverence for God, and celebrates Sundays and special feast days. Through this knowledge, children are guided to show love for God, self, and others. They also begin to realize the importance of serving and caring for others. Children become more familiar with other forms of prayer as spontaneous prayer, the Eucharist and Sacraments. They continue to memorize traditional prayers and learn about various saints. A Home-and-Family Association provides a means for families to be involved and support what children are learning at school.
Language Arts
In the Reading/Language Arts curriculum area, we use the Open Court literature-based program which features selections of fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction, and poetry. Students learn to use a variety of strategies to develop comprehension and become familiar with finding the main idea, plot, sequence, and other story elements. In the writing process, grammatical skills, spelling, and parts of speech are developed.
Students compare and order numbers through ten thousands. They continue to develop fluency in addition and subtraction of multi-digit numbers and apply various strategies to solve multiplication problems. They are expected to memorize multiplication facts to ten. Students recognize the inverse operation between multiplication and division. Problem solving strategies are applied throughout the year. A wide variety of concrete objects are used to determine measurement of length, weight, capacity, and area, as well as estimating numbers and money to the nearest unit. Students will explore equivalent fractions, compare, order and subtract fractions with models.
The science curriculum helps students discover the wonder of how living things function and survive in their environment. Students study the Earth’s surface and space beyond. In physical science, students explore forms of energy, heat, temperature, light and motion. They gain familiarity with the scientific process through hands-on experiments. Each student will present a project at the annual science fair.
Social Studies
The core of the social studies program is the exploration of communities, both past and present. Students learn about various aspects of family life, structures, and roles in different cultures, as well as the contributions of colonists and immigrants. Students read, understand, and interpret time lines and are familiar with broad categories of time. They become familiar with various types of maps and graphs.
Students continue to use The Complete book of Spanish textbook as part of their program. The objectives are to refine and further develop listening and speaking skills, reinforce and improve reading and writing skills, and expand vocabulary. During this year, the children learn to write familiar words and sentences using correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
Music in the third grade includes a variety of activities including movement (dance), singing, listening activities, and playing pitch/unpitched instruments. Some of the fundamentals included in the third grade year are music in two-four time, codas, phrasing, sixteenth notes, tonal center, and dynamic symbols. The ‘Angel Chorus’ is offered to students in third grade as a training chorus before they enter Concert Choir in fifth grade.
Library / Media/Technology
Library skills are reviewed and studied in greater depth. Students become familiar with the Dewey Decimal System and its use. They also use electronic card catalog to search for material. The dictionary and encyclopedia are used regularly. Students become familiar with award winning books and are exposed to a wide variety of age-appropriate literature. The students demonstrate knowledge of word processing skills and keyboarding skills. They learn to access and exit an application, create and save a task, and print. They use educational software and access the Internet to complement the academic curriculum.
Students at this level work in media such as crayon, paint, clay, and collage. They master skills such as cutting, pasting, and painting. Lessons integrate classroom themes from language arts, social studies, math and science while incorporating art history, aesthetics, and art criticism. The curriculum stresses line, shape, space, color, texture, value, and form.
Physical Education
Students begin to master basic motor and non-locomotor skills such as throwing, catching, and striking. They develop spatial awareness, sports skills, and team strategies (offense, defense, and spacing) required to participate effectively in team and individual sports activities. Students are introduced to rules for safety and will show respect for others. They will demonstrate knowledge of the human body’s structure and the importance of physical fitness. Students will have P.E. twice a week for forty (40) minutes each time.
4th Grade Curriculum Guide
The focus of the Religion program for this level is that God’s Law guides us. The students realize that each one helps build the kingdom of God by following the commandments and serving others as Jesus did. Through stories from the Old Testament and the New Testament the students become aware that God has been present and faithful to His people. They continue to learn about various saints and memorize traditional prayers A Home-and-Family section provides a means for families to be involved and support what children are learning in school.
Language Arts
The Reading/Language Arts program develops skills in reading, writing, and oral expression. The SRA literature-based series, which features selections of fiction, nonfiction, historical fiction, and poetry, is the basic text. Students identify the genre, the author’s purpose and style, and develop an understanding of explicit and implicit ideas. They have access to a variety of strategies to monitor reading comprehension – tests, summarizing, class and group discussions, searching for context clues. The Language program includes: writing, grammar, correct usage and mechanics, dictionary, thesaurus, and library skills. These different areas are integrated throughout as this curriculum area is an interrelated whole.
The fourth grade student learns to become a problem solver through an approach that integrates strategies, applications, and problem formulation. Students solve problems using manipulatives, diagrams, and written expressions. They understand the place value of whole numbers and decimals to two decimal places and are able to round numbers through the millions. Fluency in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing whole numbers mentally and in writing is expected. Students extend understanding to include addition and subtraction of simple decimals. Geometric concepts, measurement, statistics, (compare and order fractions, add and subtract mixed numbers with common denominators) and probability are also studied. Students know how to estimate and apply formulas to obtain perimeter, area, and volume of various polygons, solids, and other figures.
Through the science curriculum, the students discover the wonder of organization of living things in Life Science. They become familiar with the structure of the earth, as well as the atmosphere and beyond in the earth science section. In the physical science section, students explore matter, energy, and motion. Students participate in hands-on activities and practice the scientific method of experimentation. Each student is expected to present a project at the annual school science fair.
Social Studies
In fourth grade, the students study the history and geography of Florida. They learn about the native peoples of Florida and how they adapted their lives to the environment in which they lived. Students read about the European settlements started in Florida and discover the nation’s oldest city – St. Augustine. Students learn about the events that led to the Civil War and the statehood of Florida. They study the effects of the Spanish-American War, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II on Florida and its people. Students identify major geographic features and the physical features of their own area and major areas within the United States. They study the U. S. Map; identify state names and state capitals. Do various projects throughout the year to enrich the program.
A variety of activities including listening exercises, singing technique, movement, and playing pitched/unpitched instruments are explored this year. Some of the fundamentals taught during this year include: syncopation, octaves, dotted notes, major/minor, augmentation, call-response songs, and countermelodies. The “Angel Chorus” is offered to students in fourth grade as a training chorus before they enter Concert Choir in fifth grade.
Library / Media/Technology
Students are exposed to a much more in-depth analysis of how a library is organized. They become more adept at using resources and references to find information and know how to cite other sources in their work. Students become proficient in finding books using electronic and print catalogs. As proficient readers, they may choose from a broad range of material and are required to make selections from the Accelerated Reader reading series.
In technology class, the fourth grade student learns word processing skills and keyboarding techniques. Creating spreadsheets and slide show presentations are also taught. Basic computer programming techniques and critical thinking skills are learned and practiced through various game style tutorials.
Students at this level work in media such as crayon, paint, sculpture, and collage. They master skills such as cutting, pasting, and painting. Lessons integrate classroom themes from language arts, social studies, math and science while incorporating art history, aesthetics, and art criticism. The curriculum stresses the principles of art, line, shape, space, color, texture, value, and form; and the elements of design.
In the fourth grade, student’s learning focuses on vocabulary in topics of everyday life. Focus is also on cultural information. Students continue to improve their fluency in speaking.
Physical Education
The students continue to develop team strategies (offense, defense, and spacing). They demonstrate rules of safety and are held responsible for the safety of themselves and others. Students expand their knowledge of team play and the human body as it relates to fitness. Written tests are given in these areas. Students have the opportunity to participate in some extracurricular athletics.
5th Grade Curriculum Guide
Jesus Christ sharing His life with us is the theme for the Religion program at this level. Our goal is to give students a greater understanding of the Sacraments. Students are presented with the great love of Jesus, who through the sacraments sacrificed His own life that we all might become one. It challenges children to accept that they share that love when they receive the sacraments. At this level children are asked to respond to this message by being willing to make sacrifices in their own lives and also to reach out in service to others.
Language Arts
The development of critical thinking, vocabulary skills, and comprehension are the goals of this program. Reading skills are taught through a literature-based reading series. The writing process is central to this program and students develop skills in writing descriptive and persuasive paragraphs, expository paragraphs, and personal narratives. Sentence and paragraph structure are emphasized and spelling, mechanics, and correct usage are incorporated into writing activities. Grammar skills are also taught.
Students at this level are expected to estimate, round, and demonstrate mastery of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers. They are also expected to master long division with multi-digit divisors. Their knowledge of place value is expanded to the billions period and in decimals through the thousandths place. They learn addition and subtraction of decimals. They begin intensive work with fractions including generating equivalent forms of common fractions and determining the prime factors of numbers. They use formulas for the area of rectangles, triangle, circles and parallelograms. Students learn to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators. Students then learn to multiply and divide fractions. Students organize and display data in appropriate graphs and representations. They learn how to convert customary unites of measure and are introduced to the coordinate system. Problem solving, critical thinking, and test strategies are emphasized in this program throughout the year.
In this curriculum area, students investigate animal and plant cells, plant systems, life in ecosystems and biomes, weather and climate, Earth and its moon, the structure and characteristics of matter and states of matter, the introduction of the periodic table of elements, force, motion and work. Students participate in hands-on activities in a laboratory environment and practice the scientific method of experimentation. Laboratory skills are introduced. They participate in a judged school science fair, and selective students have the opportunity to compete in a county elementary science fair in the spring.
Social Studies
The fifth grade student studies the story of American history from the time of the Ice Age through the Revolutionary War and the establishment of the United States government. Students construct a knowledge base of the United States and its people through reading, researching, and discussing the contributions and cultures of the various groups of people who have shaped the U. S. A. The student makes connections from the past to the present, learning how the ideas and experiences of others have affected the present and that their own actions will affect the future. The student grows in understanding the importance of exercising the rights and privileges of citizenship, as well as the responsibilities.
At this level the Music curriculum includes instruction in the classroom, as well as providing an opportunity to participate in advanced music ensembles –Band, Handbells, and Concert Choir. Using the “Recorder Karate” series, students learn to read notes and play as an ensemble. A variety of learning activities including movement, games, listening exercises, singing, and playing pitch/non-pitched instruments are part of this program. During this year, students have the opportunity to attend a special presentation by the Brevard Symphony Orchestra.
Students demonstrate knowledge of word processing, spreadsheet, and database skills. They use a variety of educational software to complement the academic curriculum, and also use the Internet for the same purpose. Internet safety issues are stressed. An introduction to basic computer programming logic is also taught.
Students at this grade level work in media such as crayon, paint, oil pastels, chalks, print-making, and collage. They are expected to master many skills including cutting, pasting, and painting. Themes from language arts, social studies, math and science are integrated into lessons while art history, aesthetics, and art criticism are also incorporated. Students apply the elements of art and principles of design, use appropriate vocabulary, include content and symbolism, reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others during the completion of a project.
Students in grade five use the ¡Avancemos! as a textbook. They review greetings, simple vocabulary. Basic grammar structure, adjectives, singular and plural and articles are introduced through a cultural context. Comprehension of the language is enhanced through oral and written activities.
Physical Education
Students continue to develop team strategies (offense, defense, spacing) and become more responsible in demonstrating concern for the safety of others and themselves. Students expand their knowledge of team play and the human body as it relates to fitness. Written tests are given in these areas. Students have the opportunity to participate in Basketball, Track and Field, Volleyball, Swimming, Golf, and Cross Country.