6 - 8 Curriculum
Committed to providing an excellent Catholic Education since 1961.
At St. Teresa School we believe that each person is a child of God, blessed with unique gifts and talents, and so we endeavor to:
Promote the holistic development of each individual
Provide a program of learning which challenges and empowers students
Integrate spiritual beliefs and values with learning and living
Form a partnership between home and school to enrich each child’s life
Promote respect for the dignity and uniqueness of each individual.
Curriculum Guide Introduction
The purpose of this Curriculum Guide is to summarize the major objectives of the instructional program at this grade level at St. Teresa Catholic School. The curriculum has been designed to follow the recommendations of the Diocese of Orlando, and meets or exceeds the expectations set forth in the Florida Standards.
6th Grade Curriculum Guide
Students are introduced to the Bible in more depth this year and they learn about the major themes of the Old Testament and the New Testament. They learn about forming and building the covenant nation. They are helped become more aware of creation and of their responsibility to be good stewards of Gods gifts. Students review prayers previously learned and memorize additional prayers. They participate as lectors, altar servers, gift bearers, ushers, and cantors at the children’s weekly liturgy. Students participate in service projects at Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter and in other outreach programs to the needy.
Language Arts
Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the integrated components of the language arts curriculum. The sixth grade student will attain comprehension strategies by reading a variety of material such as short stories in literature, complete novels, and poems, as well as informative text. The students grow in the ability to identify various types of literature and read literature that is multicultural in theme to enhance their personal perspective. They write informatively, descriptively, and persuasively. Much of the writing is generated through poetry, essays, research reports, and creative writing assignments. The students are also engaged in learning and reinforcing their knowledge of various parts of speech, sentence structure and punctuation. Writing and speaking enable the student to communicate ideas and information effectively for a wide variety of purposes and audiences.
Students study the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, fractions, and decimals. The order of operations is reviewed and expanded upon and students learn to express fractions as decimals and decimals as fractions. They study ratios, proportions, and percentage. Students write and evaluate basic algebraic expressions. They learn to solve one-step equations using the property of equality. They are introduced into the concept of Integers. Students collect data, create and interpret graphs, study statistics and central tendencies. Students classify, measure, compute area and volume of geometric figures. They work with standard and metric units of measurement. Problem solving, critical thinking, and test strategies are emphasized in this program throughout the year.
Sixth grade students concentrate their science on Earth Science topics—weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, and speed are some of the topics covered. Laboratory safety and skills are taught. Students have opportunities for hands-on activities in a laboratory environment, as well as virtual labs in the computer lab. These both are used to practice using the scientific method of experimentation. They participate in a judged school science fair and have the opportunity to qualify for the Brevard County Catholic Schools Elementary Science Fair in the spring.
Social Studies - World Cultures
World cultures and their histories are the focus for this course of study. Special emphasis is placed on the discoveries of early man, ancient Egypt, the Greek city-states, the Roman Empire, the beginning of Christianity, the Medieval period, the Renaissance, the Reformation and political revolutions throughout the world. Students are expected to draw inferences as to how the past shapes the present by reading about and discussing current events.
Music class gives students the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities including listening exercises, proper singing technique, movement (dance), and playing pitched/non-pitched instruments. Fundamental concepts learned in 6th Grade music: orchestra/band, march form, and constructing scales.
Students may be participants in Band, Choir, and Handbells.
Students in grade six continue to use ¡Avancemos! as their textbook. They review greetings, vocabulary, grammar structure, adjectives, singular and plurals, nouns, and verbs in present tense. Their comprehension and articulation is increased through written and oral activities. They are introduced to Spanish Literature through simple stories.
Physical Education
Students develop an understanding and appreciation of the team as well as individual performance. Students practice respect and are expected to always keep the safety of others and themselves in a dynamic setting as a priority. They expand on their knowledge of health and wellness and are challenged to make it a lifetime goal. Students may participate in athletics such as Basketball, Volleyball, Track & Field, Soccer, Golf, Swimming, or Softball and Cross Country.
In the technology class, students demonstrate proficiency and fluidity in word processing skills, and in creating and working with spreadsheets and databases through a variety of assignments and activities. They use various types of educational software and Internet searches as a complement to their curriculum. Basic computer programming logic is also taught.
Students at this grade level work in media such as crayon, paint, oil pastels, chalks, print-making, and collage. They are expected to master many skills including cutting, pasting, and painting. Themes from language arts, social studies, math and science are integrated into lessons while art history, aesthetics, and art criticism are also incorporated. Students apply the elements of art and principles of design, use appropriate vocabulary, include content and symbolism, reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others during the completion of a project.
7th Grade Curriculum Guide
The question Jesus posed to his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” is also the question posed to students throughout this program. Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life is the reoccurring message throughout the program. Students are given an opportunity to explore the answer to this question for themselves. They look closely at the life of Jesus and apply the themes of Christian discipleship to their own lives. They are challenged to determine in their hearts what it means to follow Jesus. Both Scripture and Sacred Tradition guide their learning and discovery. Students are expected to be involved in performing Christian service within the school and local community.
Language Arts
The students in seventh grade are engaged in learning and reinforcing their knowledge of the various parts of speech, sentence structure and punctuation. They continue to improve their writing skills by writing in various genres such as expository, narrative, poetic, and essay. Students learn to appreciate and discuss many literary genres. They work to increase their vocabulary through their literature experiences as well as through the use of a separate vocabulary textbook. Our goals are to challenge the students to increase their writing skills, to understand and analyze literature in its various forms, including evaluation of informational texts; to have a working knowledge of and the ability to recognize specific literary terms and to enhance the extent of their vocabulary.
Social Studies - Geography
Seventh grade is entitled “Civics” but can be broken down into the following categories: Geography, Civics, and Economics. Understanding American rights and responsibilities, how the government operates, and personal finance are the areas of concentration. Junior Achievement volunteers visit the classroom to enhance learning.
Seventh grade students are given the opportunity to learn Pre-algebra at the honors or basic level within the same class. Students read, write, and compare rational numbers in scientific notation and perform basic operations with rational and irrational numbers. They work with decimals, fractions and percents and solve equations with rational numbers. They write expressions, equations, and inequalities, simplify numerical expressions, and plot ordered pairs. They solve two step linear equations and inequalities using the properties of equality and inequality. They then are taught slope and how to graph linear equations. Students can identify and construct the basic elements of geometric figures and compute the perimeter, area, and volume of less common and irregular objects. Problem solving, critical thinking, and test strategies are emphasized in this program throughout the year. Online study tools are available for students to enhance instruction at this level.
Seventh grade scientific study concentrates on the Life Sciences. Life Science focuses on cells, the basic unit of life, and topics explored include the structure and function of animal and plant cells, cell reproduction, the human body with concentration on the circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems. Hands-on activities are provided in a laboratory environment where students practice using the scientific method of experimentation and laboratory safety and skills are taught. Students participate in a judged School Science Fair in January and frequently qualify to compete in County, Regional, and State Science and Engineering Fairs throughout the spring trimester.
This class gives students the opportunity to be involved in a variety of activities including listening exercises, proper singing technique, movement, and playing pitched/non-pitched instruments. Some of the fundamental concepts taught this year includes: music in six/eight meter, interpretation, style, articulation, vocal tone color, vocal ranges. An introduction to Broadway Musicals and American Music History from 1900- present is included. Students may also elect to participate in music ensembles after school including Band, Concert Choir and Handbell Choir.
Seventh grade students use ¡Asi Se Dice! as a textbook. They continue to expand comprehension with oral and written activities. They extend their knowledge of conjugation of verbs in both present and past tenses. The students become familiar with irregular verbs, enlarge their vocabulary, and are encouraged to express themselves orally in Spanish.
Physical Education
The physical education curriculum includes both individual student performance and appreciation of team activities. Students practice concepts of respect and safety for themselves and others in a dynamic environment. They are expected to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in some type of physical activity and to appreciate their performance as a vehicle of self-expression. A greater understanding of the structure and function of the human body as it relates to health and wellness is also developed. Sports offered at this level will include: soccer (co-ed), flag football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, golf, softball, track & field, and cross country.
Visual art lessons for students at this level are designed to nurture the student’s creativity and problem solving skills. Themes from language arts, social studies, math and science are integrated into lessons while incorporating multi-cultural study and creative problem solving. Students study art history, aesthetics, and art criticism and work with a variety of media including two dimensional area and three-dimensional sculpture. The curriculum also continues the exploration and understanding of color. Students choose a medium, apply elements of art and principles of design, use appropriate vocabulary, include content and symbolism, reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others during the completion of a project.
8th Grade Curriculum Guide
Students continue their religious education by reinforcing their knowledge of Scripture and how it relates to them. They explore church doctrine and history and understand what is necessary to lead a Christian life filled with love, prayer, and service. These programs provide the basis for strong moral and ethical behavior while assisting the student to appreciate the value of their individual uniqueness. As part of their eighth grade religion classes, students will take a standardized test, called the ACRE test. This is an assessment of their religious knowledge as well as an opinion on their moral values and religious practices. A service component is part of the religion program. Students are expected to understand the need to serve others by sharing their time and talents as they actively create and promote our Christian community.
Language Arts
The students in eighth grade are engaged in learning and reinforcing their knowledge of the various parts of speech, sentence structure, and punctuation. They are perfecting their writing skills by writing in various genres such as expository, narrative, poetic, and essay. Students enjoy reading and discussing many types of literature. They are constantly working on increasing their vocabulary with their literature experiences as well as through a separate vocabulary textbook. Our goals are to challenge the students to increase their writing skills, to understand and analyze literature in its various forms including evaluation of informational texts, to have a working knowledge of and the ability to recognize specific literary terms, and to enhance their vocabulary. Additionally students participate in Journalism class each week, at which time they learn about writing to inform, conducting research, and interviews. Many of the articles they write are published in our school newspaper.
Social Studies - American History
The eighth grade students begin their study of American history with the indigenous people and continue to the Reconstruction Era. The objectives of this program are to recognize the diversity and accomplishments of the various pre-Columbian cultures, to understand and respect the Constitution of the United States of America as a document that is unique and has been applicable throughout the history of this nation, to be knowledgeable of the people and events that helped to shape this nation and are continuing to shape it, and to respect the many cultures that have contributed to this country’s strengths and accomplishments. Textbook study, research projects, written and oral reports are some of the means used to accomplish these goals. Students are expected to have knowledge of current events from various media, in particular the periodical—Upfront, published by Scholastic and written specifically for the 8th grade age group.
The eighth grade mathematics class is divided into two levels- Algebra I and Algebra I Honors. Assignment to a class is determined by the student’s developmental abilities. Algebra I covers basic Algebra concepts; the Honors Class expands on these basic concepts and challenges the students to solve more difficult problems. Students solve multi-step linear equations and inequalities using the operations of equality and inequality. They solve for a given variable in a formula and solve equations containing absolute value. They graph and analyze linear equations and inequalities by determining the slope and y- intercept of a line and using the slope- intercept form. They add, subtract, multiply, divide and factor polynomials and rational expressions. Students solve and graph systems of equations and equalities by graphing and using substitution or elimination with addition, subtraction or multiplication. Quadratic equations are solved by graphing, completing the square or by using the quadratic formula. The students are taught to simplify and perform operations with radical expression and the Pythagorean Theorem. Problem solving, critical thinking, and test strategies are emphasized in this program throughout the year. Online study tools are available for students to enhance instruction at this level. Students prepare and take the Florida End of Course Assessment (EOC) to receive public high school credit upon successful completion of the class.
Eighth grade students will use their prior knowledge to develop a better understanding of the properties of exponents, scientific notation, rational and real numbers, and solving equations with variables on each side of the equal sign. They will explore unit rates and proportional relationships to understand slope, as well as linear relationships to develop an understanding of functions and solve systems of two linear equations both graphically and algebraically. These students will study the Pythagorean Theorem, graphing transformations, congruence, and corresponding parts. Students will expand their knowledge of finding volume of prisms to develop understanding of how to find the volume of cylinders, cones, and spheres. This class is intended to better prepare students for high school Algebra.
The eighth grade students study of science includes exploration of chemistry and physical science. The primary focus of this course is to master the basic concepts of chemistry. Students explore the nature of matter through classification, atomic structure, and the periodic table. The properties of elements are explored through chemical bonding and various chemical reactions. Physics: The exploration of electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, and the motion of molecules in matter are some of the concepts explored. Students perform hands-on activities in a laboratory environment and practice using the scientific method of experimentation. Laboratory skills and safety are also taught. Students participate in a judged School Science Fair in January and may qualify to compete in County, Regional, and State, Science Fairs throughout the spring trimester.
The Eighth Grade Music Program aims at developing in students a deeper appreciation of the qualities of good music. Students are involved in a variety of classroom activities including listening to and critiquing various styles of music. The highlight of their year is a production of a short musical during the spring. Students select a work, audition for parts, rehearse, and develop props, and costumes for this production.
Eighth grade students continue to use ¡Asi Se Dice! as the class textbook. They also expand their knowledge of Spanish Literature, including Don Quixote. They continue to expand comprehension through oral and written activities. They extend their ability to conjugate verbs in both present and past tense. The students become familiar with the aspects of irregular verbs, reflexive verbs, enlarge their vocabulary, and are encouraged to express themselves orally in Spanish. Students who excel in this year’s program may be eligible to enter Spanish II in their freshman year of High School.
Physical Education
The physical education curriculum includes both individual student performance and appreciation of team activities. Students practice concepts of respect and safety for themselves and others in a dynamic environment. They are expected to demonstrate a certain level of proficiency in some type of physical activity and to appreciate their performance as a vehicle of self-expression. A greater understanding of the structure and function of the human body as it relates to health and wellness is also developed. Sports offered at this level will include: soccer (co-ed), flag football, volleyball, basketball, softball, cross country, and track & field.
Students will learn the fundamentals of journalism, including writing, research, reporting, newsroom operations, and the writing skills required for modern media.
Students will write and edit articles, organize information in accepted newspaper story forms, with emphasis on grammar, effective structure, and the presentation of accurate information. Students will also examine the writing processes and reinforce the ability to write using narrative, descriptive, and analytical methods.
Visual art lessons for students at this level are designed to nurture the student’s creativity and problem solving skills. Themes from language arts, social studies, math and science are integrated into lessons while incorporating multi-cultural study and creative problem solving. Students study art history, aesthetics, and art criticism and work with a variety of media including two dimensional and three-dimensional sculpture. The curriculum also continues the exploration and understanding of color. Students choose a medium, apply elements of art and principles of design, use appropriate vocabulary, include content and symbolism, reflect on and evaluate their own work and the work of others during the completion of a project.