Mission & Beliefs
The mission of St. Teresa Catholic School is to provide a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Our program is based on Gospel values and Catholic traditions and is implemented in a Christ-centered community that stresses excellence for all students.
We will make the Gospel message the center and enlivening the force of all that we do and teach.
Cultivate an understanding of and appreciation for the dignity of each individual, the need to serve, and the respect for the rights of others.
Offer a program of religious formation that incorporates instruction in the truths in daily life, provides opportunities for prayer/worship, and prepares for the celebration of the Eucharist and other Sacraments.
Foster qualities that are essential to lifelong learning: curiosity, self-confidence, persistence, self-discipline, critical-thinking skills, creative approaches to problem-solving, and the courage to make moral and just choices.
Enable students to acquire skills through a sequential program of learning in all areas and thus prepare them for the next level of their education.
Instill in students a sense of responsibility for the quality and prompt completion of assignments, respect for property and the environment, and dedication to the peaceful resolution of conflict.
Meet individual student needs through regular assessment, enrichment projects, peer tutoring, a variety of learning opportunities, and extracurricular activities.
Prepare students to meet the challenges of living in a technological and global society, and develop skills to responsibly access, interpret, organize and communicate information from a variety of multimedia sources.