Why Students Should Care About Their Handwriting

Writing by hand may seem redundant in the digital world we’re living in today. We use computers, cell phones and tablets to communicate and store information, so why do children need to know how to write by hand? Being able to write by hand matters, whether it’s for taking notes at school or communicating with friends and family. Here’s why students should care about handwriting and how you can help if they’re struggling with their penmanship. 

Provides a More Personal Way to Communicate

In today’s world, children type out messages to people they know on a daily basis. It’s the easiest way to communicate quickly and efficiently. Handwritten letters and notes may feel like a dying art, but there’s nothing quite like receiving one. The ability to write legible handwritten letters, cards and thank you notes will help your child feel closer to loved ones now and can give them an advantage when they grow up and enter the professional world. 

Helps with Memory and Recall

Taking notes by hand helps the writer retain the information better than someone who is typing it up. This is because the handwriting process is more involved and requires more concentration, especially for students who are excellent typists. The one potential downside to handwritten notes is not being able to read them later, which is one reason why being able to write legibly is so important. 

Lacks Backspace and Delete Buttons

Sure, if your child is writing with a pencil, they can use an eraser. However, you can only erase something so many times before the paper tears or the writing over it becomes illegible. Not being able to delete as you go leads to more thoughtful writing. Children who are used to getting everything they want in an instant can benefit from slowing down, making sure their penmanship is legible and presenting their thoughts in the best way possible. 

Creates Opportunities for Self Expression

Writing by hand gives your child an outlet to express themselves. Whether that’s keeping a private journal or writing notes to all their friends, they have more room for self-expression than they would if they were typing. Each person has their own unique handwriting. When writing by hand, your child will gain a greater understanding of themselves and the language they use. Additionally, some students benefit from doodling while taking notes, which is much more difficult to do on a laptop or mobile device. 

Helping Your Child Improve Their Handwriting

Now that you know why penmanship is so important, you may be wondering what you can do to help your child with theirs. Here are some tips for helping your child write more legibly:

  • Use pencil grips. Your child may be struggling to hold the pencil correctly, which will often result in their hands getting tired and difficult-to-read penmanship.

  • Make writing a game. Give your child simple word puzzles or crosswords to make writing more fun and encourage your child to practice.

  • Try drawing with a pencil. If your child’s handwriting is especially difficult to read, they may not be comfortable using a pencil. Drawing requires dexterity and coordination, which are the same skills your child will need to improve their penmanship.

  • Start with cursive. Some children have trouble writing separate letters and actually find cursive writing easier because of how it flows. See if starting with cursive writing helps.

At our Titusville private school, we see writing by hand as a valuable tool that your child can use in school and beyond. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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