Understanding the True Meaning of Lent

Starting on Ash Wednesday, Christians around the world give up something for 40 days. But why? Is there more to this religious observance that lasts 40 days (and 40 nights)? The Lenten season brings us from Ash Wednesday to the Sunday before Easter, preparing us for a celebration of what the Catholic faith is all about: Jesus’s sacrifice, forgiveness and promise of eternal life. Let’s take a moment to explore the meaning of this important tradition.

Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

From an outside perspective, Lent is all about “fasting,” whether it’s giving up meat on Fridays or choosing a vice, like soda drinking, gossiping or frivolous shopping, to give up for 40 days. However, Lent is also a time for prayer and almsgiving. Fasting removes distractions of daily life, allowing for more focused prayer and reflection. Almsgiving, or charity, reminds us that giving to others is a core value of our Catholic faith.

Becoming More Christlike

Giving something up for 40 days may sound like a fun challenge, but the end goal isn’t to go back to the way things were before when the 40 days are up. During this period of fasting and reflection, think of ways that you can become more Christlike. While you slowly let go of habits that held you back from being your best self, replace those habits with new ways to spread love and kindness.

Spreading Jesus’s Love

There’s no better time than Lent to participate in acts of charity in your community. Connect with your local food pantry or women’s shelter. See how you can get involved in ways that benefit those who need the most help. Spread love by donating your time or money to causes that are close to home. Treat your neighbors with a little extra kindness during this 40-day period, and you may be inspired to keep it going after Easter and beyond.

At our Titusville Catholic school, we encourage students to focus on faith during the Lenten season and beyond. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop their full potential. Teachers foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and equip students for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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