Have Family Fun During Winter Break

movie night Titusville Catholic school

Winter break is coming up, and with it, children who require weeks of entertainment. A couple weeks at home can make anyone stir crazy, especially a child who is used to being stimulated at all times. It may be tempting to hand your child a tablet whenever you hear the dreaded cries of boredom, but now is the perfect time to create fun family memories with your Titusville Catholic school student. 

Movie Marathon 

If your child feels bummed about not being able to go to the movies, bring the movie theater experience home. Let everyone in the family pick their favorite movie, or decide on a theme for the night. Pop popcorn, share movie-sized boxes of candy, and don’t forget the soda. Add pillows and blankets to existing furniture to emulate cushy movie theater seating. By bringing the movie theater experience home, you create a new space for fun family memories.

scrapbook Titusville Catholic school

Family Scrapbook

Nowadays, we are always taking pictures on our phones. We get phones with great cameras that take beautiful photos, and usually, those works of art stay right where they are. Print out your best family pictures at home or at a store that does photo printing. Make a scrapbook using construction paper, stickers, stationery and glitter glue, or use printable templates. Let your child get involved in the process. This kind of project is fun for a day, and the memories will be around for years to come.

making dough Titusville Catholic school

Cooking Together

One day, your child will grow up and need to cook on her own. Take some time while she’s young to teach her basic culinary skills. Start with bread-based items like pie crusts, cookies and biscuits, which involve familiar actions like squishing and rolling dough. Once you cook the food, allow your child to try it and take pride in what she helped create. At our school, we work to prepare children for the real world, and we believe family time at home is a valuable part of that process. 

The holiday season is here, and now is the best time to make lasting memories with your child. With over 57 years of academic excellence, St. Teresa Catholic School, a Titusville Catholic school, provides a quality education that challenges and empowers students to develop to their full potential. Students foster qualities that are essential for lifelong learning and are equipped for future success. To learn more about why St. Teresa is the perfect fit for you and your student, contact us today.


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