Taking Responsibility: Teaching Your Child Accountability

Personal accountability is a valuable trait that you should encourage in your child. As he grows into an adult, taking responsibility will benefit him and those around him. The goal is to teach him when he’s wrong and how he can correct that behavior. This concept can be difficult to teach your child, but it’s a crucial component of parenting. Use these tips to teach your child to hold himself accountable for his actions.

Enforce Rules
Start by creating a list of rules that you want your child to follow. For example, “no name-calling” or “no hitting.” Alert him that if he breaks a rule, he will be in trouble. Children don’t know what the proper response is to difficult situations, so you need to spell it out for them. He will likely be too afraid to get in trouble to break the rules if enforced properly. Children do best with routine, which helps develop good behavior.  

Stick to Punishment 
Abiding by your own rules is an important factor. Stick to the consequences of these guidelines that you have provided. Nobody should get away with breaking the rules, or else your child could start resenting you and the rules. Don’t be too lenient or your child will learn the loopholes in the punishment. This teaches them to talk their way out of being in trouble — an action that you don’t want him to take into adulthood. Treat it like a job in the real world; let him know that the workplace won’t tolerate his excuses. Have him explain how he will adjust his behavior and do better next time. Be consistent, and stand firm in your house rules.

Taking Ownership
Children have a tendency to pin blame on everyone else for their actions. We’ve heard the phrase, “well she started it,” far too often. If your child is arguing with his sister, for instance, let him know that it doesn’t matter who started it or why; he is responsible for his own actions in the argument. They all have to follow the rules.

Lead by Example
Your child looks up to you and watches how you handle your own responsibilities. As a role model, you’ll want to be careful how you tackle accountability yourself. Show your child that you have no problem taking responsibility and righting a wrong. Your child will model your behavior as they watch you commit to your own rules and learn from your own experiences. 

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